What's New
Version 2014-12-30
- Phase MOSAIC now ships as a single binary. If the hardware key is not present, LE functionality is provided, If a key is found, higher level functionality is available.
- Installer has been improved.
- Phase MOSAIC binary file loading speed has been improved.
- 4Sight, Opticode, and Zygo files can now import file headers from another file when writing.
- 4Sight files support compressed datasets.
- Fixed a CodeV reading bug for SSZ < 1.
- Images now support 16 and 32 bit per pixel formats.
- Lists use color syntax highlighting and can find files in the list file directory
- Before a file is about to be replaced, the file size and last access time are shown.
- Calculation Options can be saved and restored from disk.
Version 3.1 - build 3430
- This version fixes an issue where
surface and image lists files could become corrupted using Windows XP.
- Additional bug fixes are applied and enhancements to Phase analysis are
- Eccentric paths have been introduced.
- A tutorial
describing stitching fundamentals has been added.
Phase MOSAIC 3.1
- Added Phase Shift Technologies Opticode and 4D Technologies 4Sight format support.
- A zoomed region of interest can be specified for 3D views.
Phase MOSAIC 3.0
- Lengthy operations can be cancelled using the cancel button on the status bar.
- Adaptive tile-based phase unwrapping.
- Structure function analysis showing difference histogram and mean absolute difference
map for user-specified target spatial frequency.
- Line profile analysis now displays the line and allows for its reselection.
- Masked Zernike fitting now displays the mask and allows for its modification.
- BMP and JPG images can be optionally resampled to square pixels before saving.
- Images can be resampled and cropped.
- Configure layouts for multiple plot analyses.
- Erode statistically outlying surface height pixels.
- Built-in "stretched" grayscale and color false color palettes
- Fully customizable false color palettes that can be saved and restored from disk are
- 1D data plots can be customized to show data points and/or lines
- Average radial and angular profile surfaces can be generated
- 2D Surface and Image plots can be zoomed from the menu or with a hotkey
- Zernike fit results can be copied to the clipboard in Excel format
- Surface and Image components can be seperately copied and pasted using the clipboard.
- Zernike fits are now done using only specified terms.
- Cumulative frequency plot of the surface height distribution can now be calculated.
- A box plot of the surface height distribution has been superimposed on the false color
- Surface lists can be animated with consistent plot properties and exported as AVI
movie files.
Features added in Phase MOSAIC 2.0
- 3D Surface view using OpenGLtm graphics allowing real-time mouse rotations
and zoom.
- Simulate interference fringes from surfaces at any wavelength
- A full object-oriented vector mask editor - masks can be copied or pasted from the
clipboard. All mask elements have editable properties in real world units.
- Masked Zernike/Seidel fitting - remove aberrations ignoring data masked by the current
- CodeVtm INT file support - reading and writing.
- Undo/Redo for surface operations.
- Clipboard operations available for fiducials and fiducial groups.
- Calculation preferences are now retained in the System Registry.
- Cropping functions - crop to valid data or display limits
- Resample surface data to square pixels or arbitrary aspect ratio
- Speed buttons have been added to easily specify points by choosing fiducial positions
for many operations.
- A Units menu command and toolbar button have been added to easily change displayed
surface units.
- A Calculation Options menu command and toolbar button have been added to provide a singe
place to view or change aspects of the currently active calculation.
- Average profiles for surfaces display 1-sigma error envelopes
- All data graphs are now dynamic. Limits can be zoomed, values can be copied to the
clipboard in text and Exceltm format, and graph display properties are
- Surfaces can be generated from user-specified or fitted Zernike polynomial coefficients
- User-specified Zernike polynomials can be added or subtracted.
- Units can now be specified when matching fiducial groups.
- Image display windows support dynamic zooming and are customizable.
- Coordinate system axes can optionally be displayed in the 2D surface view.
- End points for line profiles can be specified using fiducials, cartesian, or polar
- Pixel overlay statistics surfaces can be optionally generated from
registering or averaging surface lists.