File formats currently supported in Phase MOSAIC
EIF - Phase MOSAIC extended image file format. This format stores all coordinate system and fiducial information.
JPG - compressed JPEG image file format. As such, this software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
BMP - Microsoft Windows(TM) device independent bitmap image.
SRF - Phase MOSAIC binary surface. Compressed, efficient binary surface format.
SAF - Phase MOSAIC ASCII surface format. An example file which can be used as a template is provided in the Examples subdirectory after program installation. A more detailed discussion of the structure of SAF files using this example file can be found here.
This is a tagged format text file. Tags consist of labels enclosed by square brackets followed by a CR-LF pair. Data follows the tag. A tag-data pair is defined as a section. Sections are terminated by two CR-LF pairs. Sections can occur in any order in the file with the exception that the [rows] and [cols] sections must occur before the [data] section. Section formats are as follows:
[notes] - Any note text. Text can contain carriage returns or linefeeds.
[rows] - Height of pixel data array. Single integer. Required.
[cols] - Width of pixel data array. Single integer. Required.
[fiducial group] - Fiducial collection. Optional. There may be more than one of these in a file.
Line 1 - Group label. Line 2 - Optional Hidden flag. If the group is not visible in the default view, use the string "hidden" on this line. If not, the line is not included. Line N + 2 - U and V coordinates of the Nth fiducial in data array pixel coordinates. The origin of the pixel coordinate system is the upper left corner of the pixel array. U increases to the right, V increases down. The U value is first, the V value is second after an intervening space.[scale] - Coordinate system definition. Six lines of text:
Line 1 - Intrinsic unit label for X and Y axes. Must be either "pixel width" or "mm" Line 2 - Set of six coefficients relating pixel coordinates to intrinsic units (a b c d e f.) These are used in the transformation equations: x = a*u + b*v +c and y = d*u + e*v + f. u,v are in pixel coordinates and x,y are in intrinsic units. The origin of the pixel coordinate system is the upper left corner of the pixel array. u increases to the right, v increases down. Line 3 - X interpreted scale factor and label. Decimal number and text string. scale * intrinsic coordinate = interpreted coordinate. Line 4 - Y interpreted scale factor and label. Decimal number and text string. scale * intrinsic coordinate = interpreted coordinate. Line 5 - Z intrinsic scale factor and label. Decimal number and text string. scale * height in intrinsic units = pixel value. Label must be "mm" or "counts." Line 6 - Z interpreted scale factor and label. Decimal number and text string. scale * height in intrinsic units = interpreted height.[data] - The floating point pixel data separated by one space (ASCII 20) character. Bad data values are represented by a "B" character. The pixel data can not be interrupted by carriage returns of linefeeds until after the last pixel. Make certain this does not happen if a text editor is used to create the file. Required.
INT - Optical Research Associates (ORA®) Code VTM Grid (GRD) format. Popular ASCII file format for interchange of 2D data. Phase MOSAIC supports reading (WFR or SUR) and writing SUR data.
DAT - ZYGO MetroProTM format. Binary file format for interchange of surface data. Phase MOSAIC supports reading and writing surface data.
MAP - Phase Shift Technologies OpticodeTM format. Binary format for interchange of surface data. Phase MOSAIC supports reading and writing surface data.
H5 - 4D Technologies 4SightTM HDF5 format. Binary file format for interchange of surface data. Phase MOSAIC supports reading and writing surface data.
SLS - Phase MOSAIC ASCII surface list. This is an ASCII text file consisting of file names followed by CR-LF pairs. The file represents a list of existing surface files to be processed in the order found in the list file. The file names include extensions and only one file name is allowed on each line. Full path names are required if the files are to be found in a different path from the list file. Comments can be used by using two forward slash characters (//) at the beginning of the comment line.
ILS - Phase MOSAIC ASCII image list. The image list file format is identical to the surface list (SLS) format with the exception that image file names are used instead of surface file names.
MSK - Phase MOSAIC masks. Collection of geometric mask primitives that can be applied to a surface or image. See masks.
PTH - Phase MOSAIC paths. Collection of geometric path primitives. See Paths.
FCP - Phase MOSAIC false color palette. See False color palettes.